Organic Rolling Papers - RAW
RAW Organic Hemp 1¼ with Tip
RAW Organic Hemp Paper is hands-down the world’s best organic hemp rolling paper! RAW Organic Hemp 1¼ is our favorite size of RAW Organic Hemp Papers as it’s the original size of rolling papers. 1¼ is sometimes called Spanish Size as the first rolling papers ever produced were made in the Alcoy region of Spain, just steps from where we produce this paper today!
RAW Organic Hemp Kingsize Slim
RAW Organic Hemp Kingsize Slim is for those of us that like bigger smokes. It’s 110mm long and about the same height as a 1¼ paper. RAW Organic Hemp Kingsize Slim is absolutely perfect because it rolls a nice long smoke yet doesn’t have too much leftover paper width like older king sizes (if you smoked the outdated regular kingsize you know why slim took over!)